Dear Valued Coworkers and Clients, (Rev-1.3) Date 7-17-2020
CJ Hansen Co., Inc. is committed to the safety and well-being of our community. This enduring value guides us as we face the difficult challenge of responding to the Coronavirus (COVID-19).
Rest assured, we are making every attempt to continue business as usual, while also maintaining our company’s commitment to protect the health and safety of our customers and our employees and their families. With that, you can call CJ Hansen Co., Inc with confidence in knowing that:
• We are taking every precaution to keep our office, our equipment and our vehicles clean and sanitized (including sanitizing our tablets and phones after every call).
• We are keeping human contact to a minimum, employing virtual meetings and work-from-home capabilities where possible (more definition below).
• Any employee who is ill or caring for a sick family member is required to stay home.
• We are closely following guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Oregon Health Authority (OHA) regarding hand hygiene and respiratory etiquette.
• The sales reps and techs servicing our customers are equipped with sanitizer and are required to wash hands upon entering customers’ homes and businesses and when leaving customers’ homes and businesses.
When working with CJ Hansen Co., Inc, here are some things you can expect:
• Please don’t be alarmed or offended if we ask you if anyone in your home or business is ill or has visited high-risk virus areas; we simply need to protect our workers and their families. In fact, we ask that you let us know this in advance.
• Please understand that we have adopted a “no handshake/elbow bump or physical contact policy” (more definition below)
• Please let us know in advance if there are any specific instructions or policies that you’ve personally put in place for COVID-19 so that we can cooperate with your needs.
• Please be patient. We are making every attempt to meet our customers’ needs; however, you may experience slight delays in service calls in the event we need to operate with reduced numbers in staff/techs.
• Prepare for possible material delays, especially for those materials coming from China, where government containment efforts and quarantines have slowed or shut down factories in many of the country’s cities and provinces.
Thank you for your patience during this difficult time. Obviously, this is a quickly evolving situation, and we are adapting our responses as needed. Stay tuned to our website and/or our page for ongoing updates.
CJ Hansen Co., Inc has always prided itself at being responsive to the needs of our customers and employees, and – now more than ever – we’re reinforcing that commitment.
With best wishes for your health and safety,
C. Jay Hansen V.P. COO.
CJ Hansen Company Statement of Policy on Social Distancing
- CJ Hansen Co., Inc Designates C. Jay Hansen as the Person in Charge (PIC) of the Company Policy on Social Distancing (SD) responsible for the Establishment, Implementation and Enforcement of the Social Distancing Requirements of this Policy Consistent with the guidance from the Oregon Health Authority during all hours of CJ Hansen Co., Inc hours of operation and activity.
- In the absence of the PIC (C. Jay Hansen) the Manager on Duty will function as the PIC. In the Field each Field Technician is charged with the PIC for that specific work or Project and will be overseen by the PIC available in the Office for Clarification.
- All Company Vehicles are only to be used by one coworker at a time and only in the course of conducting company business
in providing Essential and Critical Services to our Community and Not for any Non Essential, Non-Work related purposes, to the Maximum Extent Possible. - Telecommute and conduct all meetings Virtually to the Maximum Extent Possible even if that means some physical time in the office is critical, all other time will be Virtual or Tellecomuteable.
- Maintain a minimum distance of at least 6 feet from all other people at all times, including customers.
- As per CDC updated guidelines, wear gloves anytime you are disinfecting and cleaning surfaces.
- Open windows, adjust air conditioning and ventilation when possible to bring in more outside air
- CJH Co., Inc will provide gloves, hand sanitizer and cleaning wipes and/or solutions, and paper towels for all Coworkers and all Coworkers will use these products as previously mentioned but no less that at the beginning and end of each shift or at arrival and at departure of each Client location.
- CJH Co., will, at a minimum, require all Coworkers to wear a cloth, dust type, mask while at work. N-95 Masks and or P-100 Respirators are to be worn in situations where Social Distancing is not fully possible and or Job Hazzard Conditions require their specific use.
- Work Shifts will be staggered to the Maximum Extent Possible.
- Work in isolated offices, rooms or cubicles.
- Park at least 1 space away from other vehicles to the Maximum Extent Possible.
- Wash your hands frequently and according to recommended CDC guidelines, minimum of 20 seconds with hot water and disinfectant soap.
- Regularly wipe down hard surfaces including desktops, door handles, doors, handrails, fridges, tools, phones & tablets, dash boards & steering wheels, personal drinking devices, keys, sinks, bathrooms, tables, and all frequently touched items you can think of and can’t think of with proper disinfecting cleaning wipes or spray.
- Do not touch or sign vendor signature capturing devices.
- Do not share mobile phones, tablets, landline phones or workstations to include all general office writing and measuring devices but also not limited to all field tools.
- No Physical contact is allowed, don’t touch people, shake hands, elbow bump or any form of bumping at all.
- Do not touch your face.
- Dispose of anything that touches your mouth, such as coffee cups, plastic utensils, paper napkins, and food remnants in a closed garbage receptacle then immediately wash your hands as noted above.
- Wash your dirty dishes with soap and water immediately after eating, never letting them linger in the sink or eating areas.
- Only one person at a time in lunch areas and stagger breaks and break areas, never share a Company Vehicle for breaks or at all.
- Do not share food especially from the same container.
- Practice sneezing and coughing etiquette by always using your elbow or tissue only never into your hands or into the open (disposing of tissue immediately followed by immediate hand washing as noted above).
- Again-Do not share a company vehicle while taking breaks or at any time.
Temporary change to Return to Work from Quarantine Policy due to current testing restrictions by local Health Care
SHOULD YOU QUARANTINE OR ARE YOU SICK? If So-If you, or a member of your household, are experiencing any symptoms related to coronavirus, the flu or a cold, you will not report to work, contact your healthcare provider, and maintain a minimum of 2 (two) weeks in Quarantine (336 complete and consecutive hours). You will check in with your supervisor (Construction = Chad, Service = Jay) to advise of the nature of the sickness and conduct periodic Personal Health Check-In’s while in Quarantine. Return to work will require the full 2 (two) weeks Quarantine followed by 2 (two) consecutive (separated by 24 hours) Negative COVID-19 tests, in writing, -OR- 14 Days Quarantine with one post 14 day negative test result and return to work approval from your medical provider in writing (in lieu of a second post 24 hour negative test) and approval by Management (Jay).
If you have been possibly exposed to another person, outside your household, who has been confirmed “positive” or is suspected of being exposed to another confirmed “positive” person you are to Quarantine for 96 consecutive hours and may return to work if the following 4 conditions are met:
1.) You have been in Quarantine for 96 consecutive hours.
2.) You have experienced no symptoms.
3.) You have had a confirmed, in writing, negative COVID-19 Test administered after the full 96-hour symptom free Quarantine has been completed -OR- All Contact Tracing contacts have negative test results, thus separating you from the suspected or confirmed positive case by one step of contact, and have a written return to work approval from your Healthcare Provider.
4.) Confirming approval from CJH Management (Jay).
Symptoms of COVID-19 to be aware and self-critical of and reactionary to Without Fail.
- Fever (100.04 or more)
- Headache
- Dry cough
- Congestion and or Chest Tightness
- Sore throat
- Stomach upset or diarrhea
- Body Aches
- Fatigue
- Chills
- Loss of Appetite and the Sense of Smell
Failure of Policy Disciplinary Action
Any Coworker failing to abide by this Policy will be immediately be considered Sick and will follow all the protocols listed above, with the consideration that a Negative for COVID-19 test result may offer an earlier that 2 weeks return to work.
Those with the following Conditions will self-Quarantine to the Maximum Extent Possible;
** Underlying medical conditions that may increase the risk of serious COVID-19 for individuals of any age.
• Blood disorders (e.g., sickle cell disease or on blood thinners)
• Chronic kidney disease as defined by your doctor. Patient has been told to avoid or reduce the dose of medications because of kidney disease, or is under treatment for kidney disease, including receiving dialysis
• Chronic liver disease as defined by your doctor. (e.g., cirrhosis, chronic hepatitis) Patient has been told to avoid or reduce the dose of medications because of liver disease or is under treatment for liver disease.
• Compromised immune system (immunosuppression) (e.g., cancer treatment such as chemotherapy or radiation, receiving an organ or bone marrow transplant, taking high doses of corticosteroids or other immunosuppressant medications, HIV with a CD4 count <200).
• Current or recent pregnancy in the last two weeks
• Endocrine disorders (e.g., diabetes mellitus)
• Metabolic disorders (such as inherited metabolic disorders and mitochondrial disorders)
• Heart disease (such as congenital heart disease, congestive heart failure and coronary artery disease)
• Lung disease including asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (chronic bronchitis or emphysema) or other chronic conditions associated with impaired lung function or that require home oxygen
• Neurological and neurologic and neurodevelopment conditions [including disorders of the brain, spinal cord, peripheral nerve, and muscle such as cerebral palsy, epilepsy (seizure disorders), stroke, intellectual disability, moderate to severe developmental delay, muscular dystrophy, or spinal cord injury].
For the most up to date information, please visit:
Also See,’ve-been-exposed-to-the-coronavirus